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Product Review: Thomastik Versum Cello Strings

Product Review: Thomastik Versum Cello Strings

Thomastik Versum and Versum Solo have quickly become some of the most popular cello strings on the market! Have a read of our review to learn more about how these strings play. 

Thomastik describes the Versum strings as offering elegance, clarity, sweetness and power to the cello. They offer a quick articulation and very easy response to demands of the bow. 

Thomastik Versum Medium Set

Versum strings offer great power, volume and clarity. They are very easy to play, very comfortable under the fingers, and dynamically responsive. The A and D strings give an open,  warm and sweet tone for the full length of the fingerboard. The G and C strings give the greatest clarity along the entire length of the fingerboard, more than any other strings we’ve ever played.

The overall balance of this set is most outstanding. The medium set is a must-try for any professional cellist.

Shop Thomastik Versum strings with free delivery* Australia wide!

Thomastik Versum Solo Set

They have the same wonderful balance across all 4 strings that we have come to expect from Versum strings, with even more power and expression.

Excellent playing on the full length of the fingerboard on every string. There doesn’t seem to be a dead spot anywhere. Great longevity too. They give the cello strength, sweetness, full sound and have a very easy feel under the left fingers. They offer a good response to the bow and an excellent A string tone especially with a full vibrato. 

The Versum Solo set works well with Versum Medium, in that they can be interchanged to help improve an out-of-balance cello. In-store at Simply for Strings, we have found with some cellos the regular Versum is absolutely perfect, but because of the cello itself, the A string can become too harsh and thin-sounding. In these situations Versum Solo A string can make a wonderful difference because it carries more fullness of sound. Likewise with a cello that has a very dark or dull character in the lower registers, we would recommend Versum G & C rather than Versum Solo.

Thomastik Versum A and D strings have a multisteel core and multi-alloy winding. The G and C strings have a spiral core and tungsten/chrome winding. They are available in Medium tensions only.

Versum strings are identified as follows.

Tailpiece end: blue (“Mint”) silk winding

  • Peg end: 
    • A = Blue (“Stone”)
    • D = green (“Shamrock”)
    • G = yellow (“Butterscotch”)
    • C = red (“Cherry”)
    • Versum Solo adds a small black patch at the end of each of these colours.
  • Individual strings are identified by the ball colour: 
  • A = brass 
  • D = copper 
  • G = chrome 
  • C = brass.

About Thomastik Strings:

“Music strings of the highest quality – this is both the incentive and obligation of Thomastik-Infeld. Based in Vienna, we have been developing and producing strings with the vastest range of tone colors since 1919. Our progressive string developments have revolutionized the music world repeatedly. 100 years of experience, pioneering research in the field of string technology and material science as well as groundbreaking developments in mechanical engineering create tone and inspiration day after day. Whether for bowed, plucked or world music instruments – our Viennese strings impress on streets and stages all over the world and are played enthusiastically by musicians of all genres.”

About the Simply for Strings Cello String Library:

Simply for Strings has created a trial ‘String Library’ for cellists to visit on appointment and try different string sets and/or combinations, so that we can help with their search for the sound and response they need. Here you can try before you buy, with our guidance and assistance. In this appointment, we’ll have a discussion with you before we start fitting up to three different sets on your cello. We let you trial the strings in-store to determine which strings may suit you and your needs best. And if you need, we can play your cello for you, so you can hear it as both listener and player. It’s an obligation free appointment, all you need to do is bring your cello, and prepare to fall in love with some new strings!

Read more about our Cello String Library here and visit our blog for more cello resources.