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Cello D Strings

Cello D Strings: Authorised Reseller for Genuine Brands


Simply for Strings stocks a wide range of strings for cello. Make your choice from cello strings manufactured by Pirastro, Larsen, Jargar, D'Addario, Thomastik and more. Whether you are looking to upgrade the strings on your beginner instrument, or looking for the perfect set to compliment your advanced instrument, Simply for Strings will have strings to suit you and your instrument. All of our strings are 100% authentic and ship Australia wide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my cello D string keep breaking?

f your cello D string keeps breaking near the pegs or near the tailpiece, it could mean there is extra friction being applied to the string, causing it to break or snap. We recommend having your cello examined by a luthier (string instrument repairer) to avoid breakages in the future. When fitting any new strings to your cello, be sure to slowly tighten the string to avoid breakages.

How do I fit strings to my cello?

Using a soft graphite pencil, ‘colour’ in the corresponding groove on the bridge and at the top of the fingerboard (near the pegbox). This will ensure the string slides smoothly through these contact points and does not catch on any part of the instrument. Insert the plain end of the string into the corresponding peg hole. Tighten the string by winding the peg away from you. Keep the other hand pulling the string away from the peg to maintain tension on the string. This will keep the string ‘straight’ on the peg. Cross the string over itself once at the start of the tightening process and then wind the remainder of the string towards the peg ‘head’ ensuring that it remains neat on the peg. This will ensure that your pegs do not continue to slip and that they are easily tuned.

How do I tune my cello?

You can refine the tuning with the use of a tuner or tuning fork to help you find the correct pitch. When tuning a small amount, you'll only need to use the fine tuners. If the string is largely out of tune, it is important to always lower the pitch using the peg before trying to raise it. This will ensure that your string does not get over tightened. When using the fine tuners, turning them clockwise ensures the pitch is raised. If you turn it anti-clockwise, the pitch is lowered. ‘Lefty-Loosey, Righty-Tighty’ is a great rhyme to help you remember.

My cello D string sounds squeaky, how can I fix this?

If your cello D string sounds squeaky, it may mean that you need to use less rosin on your bow, to prevent a raspy tone from occurring, or you may need to replace your string. Strings are crafted using precious metals and materials that deteriorate over time. If your cello D string is over a year old and sounding squeaky, chances are it needs to be replaced. Book an online or in-store appointment with us to determine the source of the squeaking sound today.

My cello D string sounds bad, what strings should I try next?

If your cello D string sounds "bad", or dull, it may mean that you need to use less rosin on your bow, to prevent a raspy tone from occurring, or you may need to upgrade your strings. Strings are crafted using precious metals and materials that deteriorate over time. If your cello D string is over a year old and sounding bad, chances are, it needs to be replaced. We recommend Jargar, Larsen and D'Addario Prelude cello D strings for their full, warm tone.

My cello D string makes a creaky, strange noise on certain notes, what can I do?

If your cello makes a weird noise on certain notes, such as a hiss or false note, this may indicate a wolf tone. A wolf tone is frequently accompanied by an oscillating beating (due to the uneven frequencies between the natural note and artificial overtone). Simply for Strings sells wolf tone eliminators which can be easily fitted to your D string to help minimise this sound.

I'm nervous about fitting new cello strings, can you fit them for me?

Here at Simply for Strings, we fit any string purchased from us to your instrument for free. We'd be more than happy to show you our tips and tricks along the way so you can also learn more about changing and fitting strings to your instrument. Appointments and walk-ins are welcomed at any time at our Brisbane store.

What size cello D string do I need?

The size of the cello D strings we sell are indicated at the end of the product title, ie. 4/4, 3/4, 1/2-3/4, 1/4. We recommend purchasing strings that have been manufactured for the cello size you play on, so the playability and tension are optimised for your instrument.

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