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Product Review: Larsen Magnacore Cello Strings

Product Review: Larsen Magnacore Cello Strings

Here at Simply for Strings, our cellists love Larsen Strings. Here’s our review of the Larsen Magnacore cello strings.

According to Larsen, Magnacore Cello strings are an extremely well balance set for the professional cellist, offering a charismatic sound with an endless palette of colours to work with. 

They are extremely warm and focused, offering a large range of dynamics and great string response. Magnacore Cello strings are very powerful, and offer more depth of expression and more fullness of sound, as opposed to the clarity and sweetness of Larsen Soloist Cello strings. They are a fantastic alternative to Soloist strings for advanced players to professional cellists.

We offer trials of Larsen Magnacore Cello strings in our Simply for Strings Cello String Library. Learn more about our String Library here. Here are some of the reviews from these trials!

  • “Brings out the richness of my cello”
  • “More depth and warmth to the sound”
  • “Nice and powerful, not the most powerful but a lovely balance.”
  • “really good projection and a warm round sound”
  • “immediately opened up the sound of the cello. It was clear, rich and made the cello sound stellar.”

“We have added a lovely edge to the sound, nice & bright so it carries but still with the famous Larsen roundness. These strings offer many sound colours, from bright to dark, combined with a new clarity and brilliance – a truly singing sound.” Larsen strings founder, Laurits Th. Larsen. 

The A & D strings have a solid steel core, and the G & C strings have a concentric multi-stranded steel core. The A & D strings are wound with a high-quality precision rolled flat wire and G & C strings are wound with high grade tungsten and precision rolled flat wire. Larsen Magnacore Cello Strings are available in Medium and Strong tensions. The Medium tension offers a sonorous and broad tone, are easily playable, and most suited to cellos with neutral or light timbre. The Strong tension offers an even more powerful, focused & direct sound, and are especially great for a darker and deeper sounding cello. Learn more about the Larsen Magnacore Cello strings via the Larsen FactSheet here.