Our Guide to Deciding Which Strings Are Right for Your Instrument

Searching for the right strings for your instrument can sometimes feel like you are searching for the Holy Grail! Do not worry; Simply for Strings can help in your relentless quest. We offer a wide range of string brands, all at highly competitive prices, with fast shipping Australia wide. If you are unsure of what strings may suit your instrument best, our staff are more than happy to consult with you one on one either in-store or over the phone.
Evah Pirazzi
Perfect for solo performance with a wide dynamic range and intense, brilliant sound. Reduced ‘play-in’ time required with quick response and stability. Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
*Available from 1/8 – 4/4. Shop here.
Evah Pirazzi Gold
Smooth transition from string to string with a full-bodied brilliant tone from the bottom of the register to the top. Extremely responsive with a marked presence, clarity and resonance that both seduces and inspires the violinist.
*Available only in 4/4. Shop here.
Larsen strings have a solid steel core and are generally quite warm. The soloist edition strings (A and D) have more projection and when paired with wire core G and C strings, the power of sound is well balanced and warm. Highest quality materials and made in Denmark, long life is a main feature of the Larsen strings.
*Violin strings available in 4/4. Shop here.
*Cello available from 1/4 – 4/4. Shop here.
Featuring an easy response time with a powerful tone this string is perfect for students. Reliable in a variety of conditions, these nylon core strings are projective and durable.
*Available in all sizes for Violin. Shop here.
*Available 1/2 – 4/4 for Viola. Shop here.
Jargar strings are quite popular amongst cellists for their brilliant and bright tone. Generally, the Cello A and D strings pair nicely with a richer toned G and C string. For example, Larsen G and C strings, which help create a well rounded, balanced throughout from top to bottom.
*Available to 1/4-4/4 size for Cello. Shop here.
Exceptional projection and durability with a quick response. Exclusive new core material creates a true warmth and complex overtones, enhancing the richness of the instrument.
*Available from 1/8 – 4/4 for Violin. Shop here.
*Available in 4/4 for Viola. Shop here.
*Available in 4/4 for Cello. Shop here.
Precise and focused sounds with quick response and inspiring warmth. Passione strings are designed to open up the bottom strings while still allowing free vibration in the upper strings for optimum sound and resonance.
*Available in 4/4 for Violin. Shop here.
*Available in 4/4 for Viola. Shop here.
*Available in 4/4 for Cello. Shop here.
Classical gut string with excellent warm sound. Perfect string for all ranges with easy modulation between strings. Eudoxa strings come in many precise gauges – set includes a medium gauge.
*Available in 4/4 for Violin. Shop here.
*Available in 4/4 for Viola. Shop here.
Violino strings produce a focused, warm core sound due to their synthetic fibre core (same materials as Evah Pirazzi and Obligato). Their main features are outstanding response and stability, making them a perfect string for the intermediate player.
*Available in 1/10-4/4 for Violin. Shop here.
Helicore for Double Bass
Hybrid Orchestral
Due to the multi-stranded steel core, Helicore hybrid strings produce a moderately warm tone. Dampening is optimized to create greater balance between bowing styles. Orchestral strings allow for greater bow response, making them ideal for symphonic performance.
*Available from 1/8 – 3/4. Shop here.