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Teacher Spotlight: Amanda Roche

Teacher Spotlight: Amanda Roche

Teachers, schools, universities and conservatoria from all over Australia trust our team with supplying the highest quality instruments, accessories, repairs and servicing for their string programs and students.

At Simply for Strings, we are dedicated to developing the next generation of string players - hand-in-hand with the country’s most amazing teachers. 

We want to put the spotlight on some of Australia’s amazing string educators. For our very first feature, we’d like to introduce you to Amanda Roche. 

Amanda is the Director of BTR Performing Arts Academy and is a String Teacher at St Luke’s Anglican School in Bundaberg. She has been teaching for 25 years and we loved having a chance to pick at her brain!

Amanda commenced violin lessons at the age of six, and was a playing member of the Bundaberg Youth Orchestra, Bundaberg Municipal Band and various school ensembles throughout her school years. Amanda went on to study a Bachelor of Music and Post Graduate Certificate in Music Studies specialising both specialising Pedagogy and to achieve her AMUSA on violin through the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. 

Learn more about Amanda and the team at BTR by visiting their website.

Q: Why music?

A: I feel that music chose me. I wanted to start learning to play the violin when I was in Grade 1 at Walkervale State Primary School, however my mum had me wait until Grade 2 (just to make sure I really wanted to learn the violin). From that day on I said that I wanted to be a violin teacher.

"I am passionate about being the shining light in children's lives and empowering them through music to extend their little wins into lifelong victories."

Q: What do you specialise in?

I myself specialise in strings. At St Luke's Anglican School I teach strings from Year 3 - Year 12 and conduct the Pops Orchestra, Senior String Orchestra and Chamber Strings.

Q: How and why did you start BTR Performing Arts Academy?

A: I started my business when I returned from travelling overseas and was in a sense creating the next chapter of my life. I also enjoyed the challenges, growth and learnings that starting and running a business gave me.

"I love teaching students not only the love and power of music but how they can become better people, leaders and community members via their musical learnings."

Q: What advice would you impart to students or aspiring educators?

A: For Educators: Treat your clients as if they were $1 million clients - what value would you give these clients.
For Students: Everything is figureoutable! (Marie Forleo)

Q: What’s your best teaching or learning story?

There are so many. However, I feel that I am still learning and growing every single day. As it has been said...the more you know, the more you don't know. I remember those words hitting me pretty hard when I first heard them. The learning and growing never stops.

Q: What's the most fun gig you've ever done? 

A: I would have to say backing Tommy Emmanuel. 

"The team at Simply for Strings are always accommodating and helpful. They will go out of their way to help me find the resources I need and are always helpful, informative and friendly." 

BTR Performing Arts Company is a partner with Make-A-Wish Australia, who make it their mission to help sick children and their families. As part of their new partnership with Make-A-Wish, Amanda said BTR had organised four fundraising concerts for 2021. 

Read more about the amazing work BTR are doing here.

To learn more about their fundraising efforts and to enrol your student in lessons, please visit the BTR website or Facebook page.